
Alisa god eater
Alisa god eater

And pretty much any battle where the Aragami are in without a God Eater or their weapon present.

alisa god eater

The first fight against the Dyaus Pita.Crapsack World: Earth turns into this after the Aragami show up, and kill just about everything around them.A notable moment occurs when Lindow goes 1 on 1 against it.

alisa god eater

Awesome: Basically the fights with Dyaus Pita after 1st Unit's initial encounter. This is only partially disguised through use of textures and other visual effects. Conspicuous CG: Many of the Aragami fall into this trope by using 3D renders that contrast with the hand-drawn human characters and backgrounds, especially larger ones like the Vajra and Dyaus Pita.They're only saved because the Dyaus Pita causes the ground they were on to collapse, causing all of them to fall into a river. Sakuya's entire team is unable to defeat the Dyaus Pita, and near the end Lenka can just barely escape a very short distance away with a severely wounded Alisa. Episode 11's flashback shows that this very thing happened to him before he joined Fenrir, and luckily the Aragami didn't chase after him, allowing him time to explore and find an exit back to the surface. Chekhov's Skill: When Sakuya and the others fall underground after the stadium collapses, Lenka seems awfully familiar with such a scenario, and manages to use his past experience to save them.This Dyaus Pita is later introduced in Resurrection and the original Dyaus Pitas are renamed as "Heavenly Father" and demoted to just Divine-type Varjas. The Dyaus Pita in the anime is different from those that appeared in the first four games.The unknown flying Aragamis that resemble both a Zygote and a Sariel which do not appear in games, even in later installments.Shio, the Aragami girl, appears in the final episode bringing food to the surviving Lindow.Haruomi Makabe and Kate Laurie of God Eater 2, and Geese Crimson of Those Who Break Taboo light novel appeared alongside other God Eaters in episode 11.Bottomless Magazines: Notably averted- the old-type God Arcs run out of ammunition early and often.Bloodier and Gorier: Compared to the video game it is adapted from (which at most only implied gore off-screen during its cutscenes and rarely showed blood), the anime is not shy about showing people get slashed, crushed, and devoured into bloody messes on-screen.He ends up catching it as well, and unfortunately they only have one vial with the cure, so asks that it be used on him so he can live. Blood from the Mouth: Lenka's mother coughs up blood in episode 11, indicating she's caught an epidemic that's going around the shelter they're living at with other refugees.Lindow saving Lenka and Alisa from an army of Aragami in Episode 6.Lindow, Sakuya, and Lenka rescuing Alisa in episode 3 when her transport plane is under attack by flying Aragami.Lindow, Soma, and Sakuya rescuing Lenka and Eric in the first episode.The Aragami appear to reach her just as she dies from the blood loss. She cuts her own throat to force him to run. Better to Die than Be Killed: Lenka's sister does this at the end of episode 11, when he refuses to leave her behind despite her badly infected foot preventing her from walking, and an impending Aragami attack.Also the Curb-Stomp Battle with the Dyaus Pita in Episode 5.While their superhuman abilities can excuse their resistance to the lack of oxygen and how they didn't need goggles, unless God Eaters have the power to magnetically anchor their feet to the plane's fuselage, they should have gone flying. A plane that size would have to be moving at least 200 miles per hour for it to remain airborne.

alisa god eater

#Alisa god eater license

Artistic License – Physics: Even if God Eaters have superhuman strength and agility, it should be impossible to fight on top of a plane as the main cast did in episode three.Earth quickly turns into a desolate wasteland with just a few human strongholds holding out against it. Always Chaotic Evil: The Aragami seem hellbent on killing and devouring every living thing possible.The anime also greatly expands on the world, particularly how people outside of Fenrir's walls live and what life for the common man is like which were either only alluded to or never mentioned in the game.Adaptation Expansion: Alisa's journey to the Far East branch, complete with a rescue operation.Going from getting killed just like that to going out by taking the hit for an injured Lenka. The first nine episodes aired during the 2015 Summer season and the final four episodes were held off for 2016 Spring season. God Eater is a 13-episode anime adaptation of God Eater, which after two delays, began airing on July 12, 2015.

Alisa god eater