JonBro Presents Phil Eggtree:grooooan.

#Dantdm riddle school transfer how to#
Phil Eggtree gives Nit Wit a math book and replaces the contents of his eye drops with soap, causing him to burn his eyes and run away, making Quiz's office accessible. Today, were going to be learning how to escape from school in RIDDLE SCHOOL Weve been put in detention and need to get out as quickly as possible. This is a transcript of the 2006 video game Riddle School. Nit Wit appears in the Box Office room guarding the door to Quiz's office, as well as guarding his eye drops. Watch this Riddle School video, THE FINALE Riddle School 6 Transfer 2 DanTDM, on Fanpop and browse other Riddle School videos. The Diamond Minecart DanTDM Minecraft I'M A WATER WIZARD DanTDM Custom Command. The Diamond Minecart DanTDM Minecraft ANGRY LEAF BLOCK DanTDM Hide N Seek Minigame. History Riddle School 5Ī note saying that the monster Oswald only eats live meat was written by Nit Wit. The Diamond Minecart DanTDM Minecraft LET'S START A PARTY DanTDM Party Games Minigame. He only has one arm, one leg, one eye, and lacks eyelids. Use mouse to examine, talk, grab and and use items.
#Dantdm riddle school transfer for free#
Without you, this map literally would never have been. Play the Riddle Transfer game online for free Here comes a new part of the funny Riddle School adventure game series called Riddle Transfer. Nit Wit appears to be an alien, however, his appearance is extremely different from other aliens seen in the Riddle School series. Special thanks to DanTDM for playing through and introducing us to Riddle School. Jonochrome also thought of making him wash his eye in the water fountain, however, it was also scrapped because it would be hard to animate. The flash game was released on Newgrounds on the 10th anniversary of the Riddle School Series (May 25th, 2016), and is the last game of the series.

Nit Wit was originally going to be found in the male's bathroom after getting soap in his eye, however, the idea was scrapped for being unnecessary and that the sinks in the bathroom canonically don't work. I Played BALDIS New Game EARLY If playback doesnt begin shortly, try restarting your device. Riddle Transfer 2 is a Flash Game made by JonBro (Jonochrome).

He was later named Nit Wit to add more chronology to the series. Nit Wit's design in Riddle Transfer 2 became because the creator, Jonochrome, wanted a puzzle involving weakening someone by putting something in their eye.