Temple Flameguard, originating from a citizen militia originally used as guardians, are the main component of the Menite army. Although they make use of a pair of swords, there are rumors that they receive training from the Order of the Fist. Organized into groups of six, known as a hand, they perform precision strikes, designed to rip the heart out of the enemy command structure. The members of the order are divided into:ĭaughters of the Flame, an all female assassination unit, numbering about 1500 strong, created by Feora herself with Hierarch Voyle’s permission.

It was Feora, however, who transformed them into an effective fighting force. The order was created by Hierarch Sulon during the civil war with for the purpose of protecting the Menite temples from the Morrowans, and any other evildoer that attacked them. The Flameguard is currently led by Feora, the “Protector of the Flame”. The Temple Flameguard is tasked with protecting sites of religious importance within the Protectorate, as well as policing the populace. Each Crusade is formed with a particular goal in mind, such as the defense of an important religious site or the conquest and conversion of an enemy village or city. When the Protectorate goes to war, detachments from the different orders, referred to as Interdictions, are sent to join up and form what is known as a Crusade. Instead, their armed forces are divided into several different martial orders, like the Temple Flameguard and the Order of the Fist. Unlike most other nations in western Immoren, the Protectorate does not have any standing armies. High Scrutator Ozeall, Founder of the Protectorate of Menoth after the death of Sulon Hierarch Sulon, First Hierarch of the Sul-Menites and the Scrutator who united the Cygnarian menites in a crusade against the Morrowan church. Although it was until very recently considered a province of Cygnar (at least according to the terms of surrender laid down by the end of the civil war), the Protectorate has since broken away from its former rulers and formed an autonomous state. They also began to construct their own warjacks, disguising them as laborjacks to keep the Cygnarans from confiscating them.

Sulon’s successor, High Scrutator Ozeall, was forced to sign a peace treaty, which granted the Menites control of the eastern half of Caspia (which they quickly renamed Sul, in memory of their fallen leader), and all the lands to the east and south of Caspia.Ĭygnar, however, was lax in making sure that the Protectorate followed the terms of the peace treaty, and the Sul-Menites (as the people of the Protectorate call themselves) began to replenish their forces, in preparation for another war. Fortunately for Cygnar, Sulon was slain, and the Menites were forced to surrender. Led by the Scrutator Sulon, who urged the “faithful” to gather in Caspia and reclaim their nation from the “heretical Morrowans”, the Menites fought with the strength and fury of those possessed. The Protectorate is the youngest of the Iron Kingdoms, having been created at the end of a religious civil war in Cygnar between 482 and 484 AR. Prominent Menite warcasters include Grand Exemplar Mikael Kreoss. Menites also have a penchant for setting their heretical enemies on fire. Protectorate troops are sometimes individually weaker, but their abilities combine to great effect, and they are often designed for hard-hitting suicidal attacks. Protected and infused with the holy energy of the ancient god Menoth, the forces of the Protectorate are every bit as capable as those driven by arcane energy. Currently led by Hierarch Severius (formerly holding the rank of Grand Scrutator). The Protectorate of Menoth, formerly part of the Kingdom of Cygnar, is a fanatical theocracy.